Target your goals & Sail to them!

Target your goals & Sail to them!


our company

Caring Buddies Pty Ltd was established as a company in July 2018 with the aim to get itself registered provider of National Disability Insurance Scheme ( NDIS) Services. It has got registration with NDIS as a plan management provider in 2023. The owner of the business has extensive experience in Plan Management with an accounting background and hold a membership of CPA Australia.

At Caring Buddies, we consider our clients an integral part of our team. We strive to provide a diverse range of services with innovation and dedication. Our team of plan managers is aware of the difficulties disabled individuals face on a daily basis. We are fully and completely dedicated to provide you with the most effective plans for you to manage your budget and to meet your goals. All done with complete sincerity, dedication, and expertise.

Why Choose Us

Realtime Budgeted Tracking

You will know the budget balance wherever you need it. Paid invoices are instantly updated in our system. We send monthly statements. However, you can ask us for a statement anytime or log in to the app.

Dedicated Support

We are here to help our clients whenever needed. If you require help with problems like invoice processing, getting regular updates on your funding, etc., we assure you to provide guidance at every moment.

Efficient Payments

We pride ourselves on processing payments quickly, usually in two working days. The payments to the service providers are released promptly. All transactions are processed electronically.

Goal-Oriented Management

Our Experienced Plan managers think out of the box to optimise your NDIS funds so that they can be utilised to its maximum potential. Join us on our journey to maximising your potential to reach your goals.

Freedom of Choice

You have the freedom of your choice. You can choose the supplier of your choice. You can select the Plan Manager of your choice.

What do we do
as Plan Managers?

Pays your service providers

As Plan Managers, we keep track of the invoices for your services. We pay the invoices once received from NDIS.

Helps you keep track of your NDIS funding

We keep track of your NDIS funding. It is our responsibility to ensure that you remain within the approved budget. We send you statements on a monthly basis to keep you updated on the utilisation of funds.

Keeps a record of how you spend your NDIS funding

We keep records of the way you spend your funding. We keep records of all invoices paid to the service providers.

Helps you learn new skills so you can be more independent

We continue to update you on the developments related to Plan Management. With continuous updates, we help you learn new things that, in turn, keep you independent.

Guide you on the choice of Service providers

As a plan manager, we guide your following questions:

  • What service providers you can use with your NDIS funding
  • How much your service providers can charge you
  • Service providers near you

How do we operate?

Book A Chat

Get started to discuss your NDIS Plan, goals, and any questions you have. Our tailored to...

Service Agreement

A service agreement is a written agreement between a client and a plan manager...

Personalized Plan Development

The plan manager works together with you to devise an optimum plan that is tailored...

Funds Management

The plan manager handles the administration and management of your NDIS payments...

payment day
Timely Payments

The plan manager forwards NDIS funds to you within 3-5 business days of receiving...

Monthly Statements

You receive monthly invoices detailing your expenditures and NDIS Funding allocations...


What do you Get

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Registered Plan Manager

We are registered plan managers with NDIS. We provide complete support and guidance to help you sail through your NDIS journey. We provide you with the luxury of trust and comfort of excellent plan management.

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Expert Consultation

Benefit from in-depth knowledge of our NDIS Plan managers. Our crew of experienced professionals are committed to regulating and forming all your personal needs and controlling your NDIS plan. Despite the type of help and guidance you need, we are always available to provide the best.

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Monthly Statements

Receive monthly invoices detailing your spending and NDIS Funding allocations. Our plan managers aim to provide you with transparent and clear statements, track your funds, and ensure you have complete control of your finances.

No of Pocket Cost

Plan management is fully funded by NDIS, and you don’t need to worry about the cost. Our priority is to provide you with the complete clarity you need and assure you that you have complete knowledge of your NDIS plan and are in control.

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On-time payments

Payments proceed promptly as we are determined to provide you peace of mind with our excellent features to help you reach your goals.

Gain Knowledge

We will provide you with the valuable, excellent skills you need to manage your NDIS funds properly and a complete and transparent overview of your expenditures and funds.


Helping Our NDIS Clients Achieve Their Goals

In a world where obstacles seem impossible, we at CB Plan Management are committed to turning dreams into reality for our NDIS clients. A detailed map to reaching your goals will be provided to you by our upmost and professional team of plan managers. To give a broad and easy route that is designed to help you reach your goals is our commitment.